[GSG-announce] Software Defined Radio with HackRF
Alon Levy
2014-08-22 12:58:04 UTC
For all you SDR fans.

-------- Original Message --------
From: Michael Ossmann <***@ossmann.com>
Sent: August 21, 2014 7:08:22 PM EDT
To: gsg-***@greatscottgadgets.com
Subject: [GSG-announce] Software Defined Radio with HackRF

I've launched a new instructional video series:

Software Defined Radio with HackRF


This ongoing video series will be a complete course in Software Defined
Radio (SDR). In this course, you'll build flexible SDR applications
using GNU Radio through exercises that will help you learn the
fundamentals of Digital Signal Processing (DSP) needed to master SDR.
For the over-the-air exercises, you'll need a HackRF One or other SDR

I hope you enjoy it!

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